Nephrology Board (Advancing knowledge,Saving Lives), an online Question Bank allows users to create self assessment tests. Site provides huge data on the related subject to make sure students gain knowledge and get prepared for the National exams.

Hughsons was responsible to design and develope the website. It includes Question bank, Self assessment test, User management with payment gateway. Technologies used PHP, Ajax, CSS, Javascript and Mysql as Backend.
We have developed number of solutions keeping Joomla as base and integrated off-the-shelf components, Modules and Plug-ins to develop complex solutions to meet our clients requirement. One of them is

Hughsons was responsible to design and develop the TDAB Podcasting site using Joomla. Hughsons not only managed to use most complex plugins and modules but also successfully modified the code to make sure reuirements are fullfilled.
Client Navin requested a redesign of the whole website Website was supposed to meet not only the HTML validations but also web2.0 standards.

The firm specializes in the areas of Traffic Engineering, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Technology and Planning. Hughsons were able to finish the job including Flash and HTML within short period.
Hughsons having an experience of developing plugins, themes, customizing and integrating Wordpress Open source Content management System and Blogging Package for more than 300 clientele has again prooved itself as the Best Cost effective Solution Provider without compromising quality.

Hughsons eveloved the King's Temple Church website intruding a new Wordpress Blogging system to let them interact, Publish and reach its members through online. Hughsons Managed to modify most complex wordpress plugins, making sure of perfect ambiance between Church and its members.
Hughson is a responsible and very trustworthy person who would not leave the job before the job is done. He has a wide expertise in Data management and webdesign, and has a good management skill for small medium sized workgroups.

Hughson is a responsible and very trustworthy person who would not leave the job before the job is done. He has a wide expertise in Data management and webdesign, and has a good management skill for small medium sized workgroups.